Wednesday, March 23, 2011


MLIA - me edition

yesterday i was at the duquesne barnes and noble cafe interviewing someone as part of my research. when i was finished, i heard two girls in the process of an interview. as i looked over at them, one had out paperwork, the other had out a script. hello college class assignment, meet the real world action.

yesterday i was reading a news article about chris brown. as i was reading it, i was thinking "i think this is the guy who sings 'forever'". a few seconds go by and then 'forever' starts playing. creepy, pandora, creepy.

(MLIA - my life is average. check it out online)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

catching up (3.0)

This last catch-up is about life. (it's like running a marthon to read all these!)

First, my family could use prayer as granddad’s cancer has taken over. Other infections are holding him back right now, but otherwise his personality is not failing. Thank you for your prayers and concerns.

I failed in my yoga last week and paid for it this weekend when I realized I was very tight with knots. It’s amazing how much stretching twice a week can change things. I am finding that yoga is helping me be more relaxed.

Today is my sister’s 26th birthday! Cheers for being born!

The past few weekends I have been blessed by my family, shawn’s family, and my friends. It’s good to have people to visit :) All the same, I am really enjoying living in Pitt for the time being. Perhaps a job will open up for me? Please keep this in your prayers and feel free to send any connections my way!

One of my housemates got into grad school! Unfortunately, she didn’t get the fellowship, which will affect her decision whether or not to go. Please keep her in your prayers for discernment.

PULSE is interviewing for new PULSERs! Pray for the discernment in that process, both on our end and on the college seniors’ end.

PULSE is also in a process of expanding. (Us) current pulsers are looking into two neighborhoods to possibly expand to. As our part comes together this week, pray that the board is able to move forward with a decision.

At work
I am interviewing A LOT right now, and the women are just flying through the interviews. I hope I can keep up! I am thankful to be in this role, meeting women who are so willing to share their story. I hope the research can truly benefit this homeless population.

I am also taking a major role in organization. Literally organizing. It’s amazing how much paperwork goes around this place. Thankfully I enjoy organizing- so the key has been keeping up with everything.

The policies are almost all updated, which is a blessing.

The agency is still in need of funding, I hope I can still intern here when my research is done. This is still up in the air.

As of March 15th, cold weather season is over and we can no longer house many of our women who have over-stayed their stay. Prayers that they will find homes.

That’s all about me for now! Still missing college life and friends. Still being blessed by shawn and my housemates. Still hoping for warm weather to come and stay. Still looking towards a hopeful future. Cheers.

catching up (2.0)

I am a sucker for anyone who makes a compelling case about a failing system. I just want to fix and improve and heal. With this being said, I watched “Waiting for Superman”. If you don’t know, this is a documentary on the education system in the states. As our most recent seminar, we watched this and discussed the education here in the states. Simply focusing on our nation, these writers were passionate with a call for reform. Please watch the film if you get a chance, because if anything you can become informed of one group’s opinions.

The film focuses on schools that don’t do much in educating but do a lot in passing-the-buck. There were also problems about teacher burn-outs, professionals content in their tenure, and kids that need more help than just education. So what can be done? Is the system enabling a failing environment?

I’m sure many of you have heard about the “rubber rooms” in NY (click on name to discover more on it). This was the most frustrating and it came out in the news a few years back. it makes one wonder what else is happening…

But anyways, I think the hardest thing is focus. Remembering kids are the focus. Cluing into what the kid’s focus is. Realizing many kids have their focus on dire home environments and are not able therefore to focus on learning. Addressing kids needs holistically. Finding an adequate balance in teaching a classroom and being able to address students individually. And with all this, having passion without burning out. This is a lot to ask and it takes a very special person to become a teacher. I hope no one takes this for granted.

So this is my little blurb. Watch the movie and discuss-- become educated about our education system.

catching up

Jubilee Professional.

This was a great conference PULSE had an opportunity to attend. Jubilee is a faith conference for college students, Jubilee Professional happens right before it for professionals and young professionals to engage in. While there, I heard from 9 professionals about their field of work with the focus on how their faith is the center. It was easy to hear from the pastors about their work, but as the sessions went on, there were also professionals of media, business, finance, architecture, law, and music. Their bios and titles were numerous and impressive. Each speaker had either 10 or 20 minutes to speak, and I found it very engaging. There was also time in between a few speakers to sit and discuss.

Everything from the conference encouraged me in where I am at right now. I am confident that I am in the right field and am encouraged to express what I believe. Here are some highlights of what I jotted down:

“there is no meaningless work; work can be rendered menial”

“you know you are being guided into a field of work when your actions pay attention to the needs of the world, your gifts and talents are being drawn on, your deepest and truest desires are being met, and you feel free in Christ”

“just like God created the world in groupings (light, land, …), we’re created in the same way. We each have a focus. Some feel called to work with family, arts, government/politics, economics. With a foundation in faith, these items reveal personalities of nurture, creativity, justice, and opportunity.”

“when it comes to working in the media, it’s difficult to reveal your faith because you’re reporting what the people want to hear. So what we do to reveal Christ’s love is to be ethical in how we do things.”

“experiences create beliefs which drive action. Intentionally create experiences you want people to believe. Enable people to experience the world as it ought to be. It has to be intentional and you have to validate it.”

“if you go to work and it’s not work, then it’s probably your calling”

“focus on your attitude, gratitude, and forgiveness”

“be well diggers… bring the garden back to the city… metaphors for everyday life here and now because people are hungry for spiritual connection, they just need an opportunity to pursue it”

“learn to be ultra-humilitious – it’s so disarming to people”

“be crelevant- credible and relevant”

“is what you’re doing helping others flourish?”

if you are interested in specifics of speakers or anything more about this conference, feel free to ask :)