Maybe tomorrow I'll start over, maybe tomorrow I will finally change my ways
Said the same thing yesterday...
Don't know why I'm so afraid to let you in, to let you win
To let you have all of me
I can't live my whole life wasting all the grace that I know you've given
Cause you made me for so much more than sitting on the sidelines
I don't wanna look back and wonder if good enough could have been better
Every day's a day that's borrowed; so why am I waiting for tomorrow?
Why am I waiting for tomorrow?
Maybe today I'll start believing that your mercy really is as real as you say it is
It doesn't matter who I used to be, it only matters that I've been set free;
You rescued me, you're changing me
Jesus take everything
I can't live my whole life wasting all the grace that I know you've given
Cause you made me for so much more than sitting on the sidelines
I don't wanna look back and wonder if good enough could have been better
Every day's a day that's borrowed; so why am I waiting for tomorrow?
Why am I waiting for tomorrow?
Some people are waiting for tomorrow because they are living their lives in the past—regretting things they’ve done. Wishing they could change themselves. Feeling stuck with what has happened. Missing what use to be. Wishing they were still back doing ___. Wondering how time flew so fast. Hoping tomorrow things will be better than the past.
Other people are waiting for tomorrow because they live in the future—planning, preparing, dreaming what could be. Getting caught up on failures because it makes the future somehow harder to obtain. Changing and rethinking how to make things better...
It’s sadly common in Pittsburgh to see people breaking traffic laws. Yesterday I saw someone pop over in the bike lane to speed past and hop in front of the line of traffic. The thing is, this truck came upon red lights and we all kept catching up to it. So as great of a plan this truck had, the truck didn’t get anywhere faster than the rest of us.
As for me, I am a future-thinking person. It comes so naturally to me; I am constantly planning and waiting for tomorrow, as Mandisa sings about. The challenge is staying in traffic and enjoying the present. Too many times I find myself speeding ahead in planning only to hit red lights and see I am still in the present with everyone else—not going anywhere faster...
The thing about truly living in the present is you can’t focus on planning nor can you focus on looking back. The focus must be first on being your true self in the present and trusting in God’s grace and mercy. Because isn't the point to fit into God’s will, not fit God into mine?
Maybe today I'll start believing that your mercy really is as real as you say it is
It doesn't matter who I used to be it only matters that I've been set free;
You rescued me, you're changing me
Jesus take everything
I can't live my whole life wasting all the grace that I know you've given
Cause you made me for so much more than sitting on the sidelines
I don't wanna look back and wonder if good enough could have been better
Every day's a day that's borrowed; so why am I waiting for tomorrow?
Why am I waiting for tomorrow?
Oh I'm making this my moment now
To grab the hand that's reaching down
To save me, oh you save me...
So why am I waiting for tomorrow?