just when you think you can handle your job, something goes and puts a wrench in your day.
most jobs are taxing in some way, usually physically or mentally. a social workers' job is taxing mostly emotionally. your heart goes out for your clients, which is probably the reason why you got into the job in the first place. social workers see the pain and suffering in society and seek to reform it, to fill in the gaps that society makes.
at the end of the day, it becomes very hard to leave your work at work and go home. since social workers work with people, we recognize that it's not as simple as writing up a report and going home. going home involves saying you did the best you could do for the time being and you will return to it tomorrow.
but what if what you did wasn't your best-- or what if you are a perfectionist and nothing seems to be the best? it's something i struggle with. if i cant give 150%, then what am i doing? this is a terrible way to live, because you end up dead at the end of every day. giving your best includes taking care of yourself first, so you can help others. it's like that annoying plane ride instruction to put your breathing mask on first before you help someone else. it sounds so backwards, but it's definitely true.
so what am i trying to say? i think basically i am remembering my emotional boundaries... again.
a. remembering that when a client yells at me for not doing anything, i can be reassured they are being dramatic and i am doing everything that i can do.
b. remembering i don't need to feel guilty to leave work and go home to my house, my food, my life
c. remembering to take care of myself so i can better be able and willing to help others
d. remembering i am not to blame for other people's decisions
don't forget to pray for social workers, we need your prayers. shout out to my soon-to-be cousin molly who just became a social worker herself :) good luck girl ;)
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