Friday, September 24, 2010

and i'm back

There is a lot on my mind right now, especially since I haven’t updated this blog lately.

Pulse. A while back, us ladies sat around the table and decided to name our house Ruth or R.U.T.H. I say or because we want it to stand for something, have a double meaning but as of yet we haven’t determined what it stands for—or if it needs to. Hold that thought. Why Ruth? Because she was extraordinary! As a woman she proved to have the qualities of both humble follower and determined pursuer. She humbly followed her mother-in-law into an unknown future, but she pursued Boaz with such determination! Why is Ruth so noteworthy to be in the Bible?! I think it’s just a glimpse of what every woman desires: a range of traits expressed positively without timidity and with passion. So this is just a touch of why our house wants to be known as R.U.T.H… Our thoughts are that each person should throw out their own R.U.T.H. acronym version. Any thoughts what it could stand for? I should also note that we determined our core values are humility, sustainability, and creativity all held together by faith.

Each Wednesday we have a seminar in the afternoon instead of work. The seminar is meant to build up the community and/or our community. Recently it’s mostly been to build up our community, since we are still getting to know each other! Last week we had a discussion on techniques of communication and were introduced to a communication wheel. On this wheel are several things, including emotions, thoughts, actions… we were to present an issue and then discuss it while stepping on the wheel (it was a mat version) as to where our comments pertained. It was helpful to see where a lot of us tend to focus or not focus, and also helpful to see where we are wrong in our communication (i.e. “I feel like I was wrong” ... you don’t feel that, you think that).

Probably the most interesting seminar though was this Wednesday with the founder of PULSE. He told us of working with short-term Mennonite voluntary service and how volunteers came back with experience but no chance for discussion and reflection along the process. He also noticed that most V.S. programs are for social workers, teachers, and handy-men. What’s with that? He wanted to reach artists, entrepreneurs, environmentalists, etc. (whatever your fancy) as well for volunteering. Alongside this, he wanted to create a program that got to know the person and then found a fit for them, not have a placement and try to fit applicants into it. Wow, there was so much more that he said, but you are getting the idea! It’s everything PULSE still is about~

So what I’ve been enjoying most about Pittsburgh is our house. Week nights we prepare dinner for each other and sit around the table just chatting. It’s such a great time catching up and building friendships. Probably the best part is right before dinner when those who aren’t cooking get antsy and are snacking and chatting while in anticipation of food. J We usually end up entertaining each other as the food takes form. As one would say in Ireland, good craic.

This week was premiere week for new tv shows and though tv can be consuming, it was great to hang out and watch things together. Most of the ladies are big Glee fans. Personally I could go without the drama, but I do love the music.

Work. Well work has been blurry. This is partly my fault with becoming complacent (it happens so fast!) and partly not my fault. I was getting mixed messages about my duties while being pressed to get this research project up and going. When my supervisor went on vacation, I felt lost. Now I hear she’s resigning. Though at first I was dumbfounded, the news switched a button in me. I have been taking more initiative with things, becoming bolder, and more in charge. These are all things I possess, but it’s easy for me to not step up and just let someone else do it. So though I am worried what is going to happen now without my supervisor, I have a clear view of where I am headed with my position. And the rest is in God’s hands.

On this last note, I am having a weird spiritual life right now. I think it is still because I am transitioning and trying to note in my mind that Pittsburgh is home, not the bluffton-college-life. Despite feeling a bit off, it is cool to sit on a bus everyday and people watch. It is interesting to challenge myself to shut off the automatic judgment thoughts and instead pray for people.

Please keep praying for me, my housemates, Bethlehem Haven, and Pittsburgh. ~ thanks friends

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